Hrčak srce

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ap varaždin kolodvor
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zločin i kazna
električni romobil hervis
komunalac samobor
potvrda o nekažnjavanju osijek
sveti nikola

Videos of Hrčak Srce

Za informacije koje se tiču prijave radova, sadržaj pojedinog časopisa i točnost …

Quality in coagulation and haemostasis testing - Srce

Dodavanje novog administratora u Hrčak: Unos podataka o broju/sveščiću. Razmjena podataka Hrčak -> DOAJ: Kategorije radova/priloga u časopisima. Unos podataka o radu (članku, prilogu) Razmjena podataka OJS -> Hrčak. Icons made by Freepik from No labels Overview.

Natura Croatica - Srce

Radovi objavljeni na Portalu Hrčak mogu se preuzimati za potrebe indeksiranja, …

Hrčak | Srce

A new COVID-19 page has been implemented on the Portal of Croatian Scientific and Professional Journals - HRČAK, which brings together papers related to the topic of COVID-19 from various scientific fields published in journals in HRČAK.. By creating this site, the SRCE team wanted to increase the visibility of research dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic to help health authorities

Hrčak: Portal otvorenog pristupa hrvatskim znanstvenim i

Hrčak is the central, open access repository for Croatian scholarly journals, covering more than 460 titles. The interface is available in Croatian and English. Users can …

Dostava članaka u Hrčak - Hrčak -

A new COVID-19 page has been implemented on the Portal of Croatian Scientific and Professional Journals - HRČAK, which brings together papers related to the topic of COVID-19 from various scientific fields published in journals in HRČAK. By creating this site, the SRCE team wanted to increase the visibility of research dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic to help health authorities, scientists and …

Srčani udar (infarkt miokarda) – uzroci, simptomi i

hrčak srce The essential elements of a quality program, specifically internal quality control (IQC) and …

Upute za uredništva i administratore časopisa u - Srce

The Hrčak Portal was developed and operates with the support of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, it was realised by SRCE, but the basic idea came from the Croatian Information and Documentation Society (HIDD). The set up and maintenance of the Portal is the responsibility of a joint team of SRCE and HIDD.

Zapisnici sjednica Savjeta Hrčka - Hrčak -

InterEULawEast : journal for the international and european law, economics and market …

Open Journal System - Hrčak -

All the papers can be found in the open access and are published in journals indexed in Hrčak. HRČAK is the central portal of Croatian scientific journals. HRČAK offers the access to the journals following the Open Access Initiative (more about HRČAK in Croatian only). About HRČAK (in Croatian only): for end users; HRČAKs Advisory Board.


hrčak srce The essential elements of a quality program, specifically internal quality control (IQC) and external quality assurance (EQA), should be applied to each laboratory assay performed in order to ensure test result accuracy and precision .

Hrčak | Srce

Date added to HRČAK: 24 March 2006 Rights: All content is made freely available for non-commercial purposes, users are allowed to copy and redistribute the material, transform, and build upon the material as long as they cite the source.

Hrčak | Srce

Portal Hrčak izrađen je uz potporu tadašnjeg Ministarstva znanosti, obrazovanja i športa (današnjeg Ministarstva znanosti i obrazovanja), realiziran je u Srcu, a osnovna ideja potekla je iz Hrvatskog informacijskog i dokumentacijskog društva (HIDD). Na izgradnji i održavanju Portala radi zajednički tim Srca i HIDD pri čemu Srce